China has announced the first programmatic document of rare earth

China has announced the first programmatic document of rare earth, rare earth is a large-scale reorganization of enterprises

From the “opinions” content can be clearly seen that our country is systematically and seriously promote the development of rare earth industry. In order to effectively advance the pace of merger and reorganization, the state environmental access system, export management, taxation and other aspects of the policy will apply more stringent. Access in the industry “views”, said rare earth industry in China will be stricter access management, on the rare earth resources in the implementation of more stringent protective mining policy and environmental protection standards, accelerating the development and improvement of rare earth mining and production standards in product quality , process equipment, access requirements put forward in nine. While the implementation of strict environmental access system, strictly implement the “rare earth industry emission standards”, the development of rare earth industry, environmental risk assessment system. Rare earth industry in the strict access management at the same time, export management will also be further strengthened. According to “Opinions” in the strict control of the total rare earth mining and production, while, strictly control the rare earth metals, oxides, salts and rare earth ferroalloy exports of primary products, the exploration, production, consumption and export restrictions should be implemented simultaneously. Overall consideration of domestic resources and production, consumption and international market conditions, reasonably determine the total annual export quota of rare earth. Improve the allocation of export quotas, severely punish the reselling of rare earth export quota acts.

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